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Sergio Torres y Los Dueños Del Swing

Sergio Torres y Los Dueños Del Swing

Magan & Rodríguez

Magan & Rodríguez

Rosalind James

Nakul Abhyankar

Nakul Abhyankar

Michael Hansonis

Michael Hansonis

Pêtr Aleksänder

Pêtr Aleksänder

Machito & His Afro-Cubans

Machito & His Afro-Cubans

Anna Roig i L’ombre de ton chien

Anna Roig i L’ombre de ton chien

Josh Klinghoffer

Josh Klinghoffer

Heróis Da Resistência

Heróis Da Resistência

Arthur Thompson

Arthur Thompson



Sweet Caterina

Sweet Caterina

Katrin Fröhlich

Phyllis Nelson

Phyllis Nelson

Maria Del Monte

Maria Del Monte

The Madden Brothers

The Madden Brothers

Ambient Jazz Ensemble

Ambient Jazz Ensemble