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Here is a stream of popular chicano rap artists

Mania da Gente

Mania da Gente

Clancy Eccles All Stars

Clancy Eccles All Stars

Ēvalds Valters

Raggae Music Collective

Raggae Music Collective

Nils Sandström

Nils Sandström

Outlaw Professor

Outlaw Professor

The Raga Dolls Salon Orchestra

Matthias Kuntzsch

DJ Confidential

DJ Confidential

Chandler Lewis

Chandler Lewis

Los Hermanos Mindiola

Los Hermanos Mindiola

Thelma de Freitas

Dr. Suresh Manimala

Dr. Suresh Manimala

El Dorado Red & Scoop Deville

El Dorado Red & Scoop Deville

Zehnder With Kold

Zehnder With Kold

Mela Meierhans

Mela Meierhans

Aldwin Macapagal

Aldwin Macapagal

Patrick Westin

Patrick Westin

El Duo Del Barrio

El Duo Del Barrio

Dag & Nigga Dium

Ignaz Pleyel Quintett

Ignaz Pleyel Quintett

Man-D el Trastorno

Man-D el Trastorno

Boris Korsakov