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Here is a stream of popular folk-pop artists

Martijn Konijnenburg

Timothée Joly

Timothée Joly

Daniel Constantineau

Christopher Bear

The Hailey Rutledge Ensemble

Grupo Doble Zero7

Andrzej Jagodzinski

Andrzej Jagodzinski

Once the Musical (London Cast)

Once the Musical (London Cast)

Gordo Zarkasmus

Carol Suguihara

The Gentle People

The Gentle People

Mauricio Ceballos

Mauricio Ceballos

90s Party People

90s Party People

Rihanna Shepherd

Rihanna Shepherd

Jeanne & The Darlings

Jeanne & The Darlings

Matthew Anthony

Matthew Anthony

Kayleigh Gibson

Kayleigh Gibson

New G (The New Generation Chorale)

New G (The New Generation Chorale)

Banda Zafennate

David Majzlin Quartet

K.ommando Toxik

K.ommando Toxik

Francesco Chiocci

Francesco Chiocci

Walter Goldschmidt

Walter Goldschmidt

Gajanan Karnad

Sachiko Yasuda

Sachiko Yasuda

Simone Burrini

Simone Burrini

Tomasz Radziwonowicz

Tomasz Radziwonowicz

Melinda Camille

Treasure Mammal

Treasure Mammal

Balearic Gabba Sound System

Balearic Gabba Sound System