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Here is a stream of popular freak folk artists

Aracy Carvalho

Kurt Vile and the Violators

Kyrre Gørvell-Dahll

Christopher Bear

Official el de la O

Official el de la O

Cashbay Collection

Cashbay Collection

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

The Gentle People

The Gentle People

90s Party People

90s Party People

New G (The New Generation Chorale)

New G (The New Generation Chorale)

Konstantin Pfiz

Fusion Square Garden

Fusion Square Garden

Richard Hallebeek

Richard Hallebeek

Fire House Crew

Richard Danielpour

Richard Danielpour

Francesca Tourè

Francesca Tourè

Charles Rumback

Charles Rumback

Martina Balogova

Martina Balogova

The Broken Orchestra

The Broken Orchestra



Jeffrey Strauss

Melinda Camille

Treasure Mammal

Treasure Mammal

Michael Jon Fink

Michael Jon Fink

Junia Walker AllStars

Junia Walker AllStars

David Richards

David Richards

Vermeeren, Lauridsen

Sarah Yu Zeebroeke

2016 Love Songs

2016 Love Songs