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Here is a stream of popular indie r&b artists

Ada Chura

Ada Chura

James Richardson

James Richardson

Gene McDaniels

Gene McDaniels

Luiza Sandmann

Queen & Elton John

Søren Launbjerg

DJ Miguel Soria

Pelshat Productions

Pelshat Productions

Dormiste Rancho

Dormiste Rancho

Alternate High

Alternate High

Halsey Sutherland

Halsey Sutherland

Mathaius Young

Mathaius Young

Karaoke Hits Band

Karaoke Hits Band

Jeremiah Meece

Jeremiah Meece

Miguel Gomez-Martinez

Valentín Huedo

Valentín Huedo

Friedrich Nietsche

Friedrich Nietsche

Pepe "El Culata"

Pepe "El Culata"