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Here is a stream of popular new wave pop artists

Zackey Force Funk

Zackey Force Funk

Geoffrey Golden

Geoffrey Golden

Robson & Jerome

Robson & Jerome

Sound of Fractures

Sound of Fractures

Persian Empire

Persian Empire

Vassilena Serafimova

Vassilena Serafimova

Tomas Barfod

Tomas Barfod

The Mike Flowers Pops

The Mike Flowers Pops

Steve Nye

Altsasuko Gurasoak

Altsasuko Gurasoak

Carlitta Durand

Carlitta Durand

Mirjam Pressler

Mirjam Pressler

Lindbergh Palace

Lindbergh Palace

Randa Oktovandy

Marcão Baixada

Marcão Baixada

Julia Kröhnert

Patricio Gimenez

Patricio Gimenez

Brown Noise Factory

Beats by Rudebwoay

Beats by Rudebwoay