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Here is a stream of popular folk punk artists

Chill Fruits Music

Chill Fruits Music

Sammy Rae & The Friends

Sammy Rae & The Friends

The Window Smashing Job Creators

The Window Smashing Job Creators

Original Tonio

Original Tonio

Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids

Idris Ackamoor & The Pyramids

Best Themes Collection

Best Themes Collection

Conceição Evaristo

Conceição Evaristo

Kiss Me, Kate Ensemble

Roberto "Tito" Castro

Celedonio Flores

Celedonio Flores

Hans Tschuschke

Hans Tschuschke

Fernando Rickard

Swagatalakhsmi Dasgupta

Swagatalakhsmi Dasgupta

Zoon Van Snook

Zoon Van Snook

'Om' Alec Khaoli & Umoja

'Om' Alec Khaoli & Umoja

Wim 'Bronco' Van Sante

Denmark Street

Denmark Street

Direct Hit! / The Priceduifkes

Direct Hit! / The Priceduifkes

Rhonda Henderson

Steve Adelson Stick-Tet

Steve Adelson Stick-Tet

Elly Vilhjálms og Ragnar Bjarnason

Luis César Amadori

The Joe Public

The Joe Public