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Riddim Soldier

Ozzie Aziz Sympnony

Clémence Tilquin

Divya Spandana

Maywave & CJ Seven




Nunavut Sivuniksavut Performers

The Riley Hampton Combo

Helena Ferguson

Charlie Morris Orchestra

Zinat Pirzadeh

Fredrik Sandsten

Pamela Jaskoviak

Pamela Jaskoviak

Ingvar Hirdwall

Skip The Needle

Steve Stills;Al Kooper

Felix L. Powell

Barry James Eastmond

Wayne Anton Brathwwaite

River & The Snap

River & The Snap

Amsterdam Avenue

The Wicked Kid

The Wicked Kid

Roberto Rodriguez Aka Manolo

Le Vic Vogel Jazz Big Band

Lucas Valenzuela

Lucas Valenzuela

Edier y Deivi Rap

Andrea The Queen

Pogo Pogo Orchestra

Jack Hilton and his Orchestra

Corey L. Graves

Corey L. Graves

DJ Gustavo Scorpio

Rômulo Miranda