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Padovano: Missa A la dolc' ombra & Missa Domine a lingua dolosa

Padovano: Missa A la dolc' ombra & Missa Domine a lingua dolosa

Daser: Missa Pater noster & Other Works

Daser: Missa Pater noster & Other Works

Regnart: Missa Christ ist erstanden & Other Works

Regnart: Missa Christ ist erstanden & Other Works

Isaac: Missa Wohlauff gut Gsell von hinnen & Other Works

Isaac: Missa Wohlauff gut Gsell von hinnen & Other Works

Johannes de Cleve: Missa Rex Babylonis & Other Works

Johannes de Cleve: Missa Rex Babylonis & Other Works

Palestrina: Lamentations for Easter II

Palestrina: Lamentations for Easter II

Jean Guyot: Te Deum laudamus & Other Sacred Music

Jean Guyot: Te Deum laudamus & Other Sacred Music

Lassus: Missa super Dixit Joseph & Motets

Lassus: Missa super Dixit Joseph & Motets

Amorosi pensieri: Songs for the Habsburg Court of the 1500s

Amorosi pensieri: Songs for the Habsburg Court of the 1500s

Richafort: Requiem & Other Sacred Music

Richafort: Requiem & Other Sacred Music

Philipp Schoendorff: The Complete Works

Philipp Schoendorff: The Complete Works

Willaert: Missa Mente tota & Motets

Willaert: Missa Mente tota & Motets

Vaet: Missa Ego flos campi & Other Sacred Music

Vaet: Missa Ego flos campi & Other Sacred Music

Philippe de Monte: Missa Ultimi miei sospiri & Other Sacred Music

Philippe de Monte: Missa Ultimi miei sospiri & Other Sacred Music

Regnart: Missa super Oeniades Nymphae & Other Sacred Music

Regnart: Missa super Oeniades Nymphae & Other Sacred Music

Music for the Court of Maximilian II: Vaet, Lassus, Galli

Music for the Court of Maximilian II: Vaet, Lassus, Galli

Padovano: Domine a lingua dolosa a 5

Padovano: Domine a lingua dolosa a 5

Padovano: Missa Domine a lingua dolosa: Vb. Agnus Dei II

Padovano: Missa Domine a lingua dolosa: Vb. Agnus Dei II

Daser: Missa Pater noster: IV. Sanctus: a. Sanctus

Daser: Missa Pater noster: IV. Sanctus: a. Sanctus

Daser: Dilexi, quoniam

Daser: Dilexi, quoniam