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Here is a stream of popular anthem worship artists

Chiquito Team Band

Chiquito Team Band

Vajen van den Bosch

Vajen van den Bosch

Designer Doubt

Designer Doubt

Joe Won Sun of Rollercoaster

Built By Titan

Built By Titan

Emo Fruits

Emo Fruits

Cathrine Lassen

Cathrine Lassen

Mitchos Da Menace

Mitchos Da Menace

Heidi (The Girl with the Hair)

Heidi (The Girl with the Hair)

Francesco Piemontesi

Francesco Piemontesi

Mariozan Rocha

Mariozan Rocha

Jason Ausserkontrolle

Pablokk Ausserkontrolle

Brian David Farr

Bavarian Symphony Orchestra

Bavarian Symphony Orchestra

MB's Childrens Choir

Tony McGuinness