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Here is a stream of popular brega artists

Electro Deluxe

Electro Deluxe

Lorenzo Castro

Lorenzo Castro

Electronica Workout

Electronica Workout

Lady Blackbird

Lady Blackbird

Miguel Angeles

Miguel Angeles

Моральный кодекс

Моральный кодекс

Mulheres Perdidas

Camille Nelson

Camille Nelson

Os Gargantas De Ouro

Os Gargantas De Ouro

Симфонический оркестр МВД

HoneyWorks meets スフィア

HoneyWorks meets スフィア

Ragz Da Artist

Ambrose Arnold

Dufflebag Boog

Ye-Yeseh King Kool

Ye-Yeseh King Kool

Carmita Jimenez

Carmita Jimenez

Anthony Parasole

Anthony Parasole

Young Money De Boss

T J Elewe Ukwu

Tyson Crookmind

Tyson Crookmind

Инна Желанная

Инна Желанная

Shogun Assasson

Shogun Assasson