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Here is a stream of popular funk artists

The Gemma Sharples Quartet

Dylan Saunders

Marko Churnchetz

Marko Churnchetz

Major Clark Jr.

Suzanna Abellan

James McVinnie

James McVinnie

The Get Down Brothers (Skylan Brooks, TJ Brown, Jr., Jaden Smith, Justice Smith & Shameik Moore)

Split Prophets

Split Prophets

Gene McDaniels

Gene McDaniels

Elsa Esmeralda

Klassische Musik

Klassische Musik

The Get Down Brothers (Skylan Brooks, Tremaine Brown, Jr., Jaden Smith, Justice Smith & Shameik Moore)

The Get Down Brothers (Skylan Brooks, Tremaine Brown, Jr., Jaden Smith, Justice Smith & Shameik Moore)

Andrea Martins

Moda Loda Broda

Moda Loda Broda

Debra Fotheringham

Debra Fotheringham

Gabriel Moraes

Gabriel Moraes

The Discipline

The Discipline

Peter Martijn Wijnia

Peter Martijn Wijnia

Delirium Tremens

Delirium Tremens

Juan Gabriel Quintero Tanga