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Here is a stream of popular irish rock artists

Trespassers William

Trespassers William

Flava & Stevenson

Flava & Stevenson

Daniel Romberger

Daniel Romberger

Arshid Azarine

Arshid Azarine

Vision Factory

Vision Factory

Edmund Connolly

Durmis Serbezovski

Durmis Serbezovski

Valtinho Anastacio

Valtinho Anastacio

Stanley Townsend

Morada Metalcore

Morada Metalcore

Miss Murgatroid

Miss Murgatroid

Reverend Peter Shilling

Sleepless in Pyongyang

Sleepless in Pyongyang

Zig-Zag of NB Rydaz

Cia. Cultura do Céu

Cia. Cultura do Céu