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Here is a stream of popular swamp pop artists

Agrupación Luz Divina

Agrupación Luz Divina

Christian Rivet

Christian Rivet

Ioanna Georgakopoulou

Ioanna Georgakopoulou

Fernando Alvim

Fernando Alvim

Furuichi Sakyo (CV: Yuichi Jose)

Nãnci Correia

Dawood Helmandi

Dawood Helmandi

Vidhya Hariprasanth

Vidhya Hariprasanth

Miguel "Maikel" De Lunas Campo (Kapanga)

Albertina Walker and The Caravans

Albertina Walker and The Caravans

Jessica Lauren Four

Jessica Lauren Four

Amos Garrett, Doug Sahm, Gene Taylor Band

Amos Garrett, Doug Sahm, Gene Taylor Band