2018 Spanish Guitar Music Maestro

2018 Spanish Guitar Music Maestro

Hamish McKeich

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# Name
1 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: ALBERT KAHN: Periodically and, strangely enough, not infrequently - I meet someone who has never heard of the name of Pablo Casals before View Track Open in Spotify
1 Stokowski - A Portrait for Radio: GLENN GOULD: This is Glenn Gould and this programme is about Leopold Stokowski View Track Open in Spotify
2 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: Not so very long ago - when I was in Puerto Rico last - we were talking about how we happened to come together originally View Track Open in Spotify
2 Stokowski - A Portrait for Radio: LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI: Think of our solar system. Its colossal size View Track Open in Spotify
3 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: It's a very strange feeling - when you're sitting, talking to Don Pablo - to realize that you're speaking with a man who played... View Track Open in Spotify
3 Stokowski - A Portrait for Radio: STOKOWSKI: Although I am interested in everything in the universe, what I really deeply understand is the symphonic world View Track Open in Spotify
4 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: You have to understand that I am speaking not as a musicologist - music is not primarily my field View Track Open in Spotify
4 Stokowski - A Portrait for Radio: STOKOWSKI: First of all, it's our privilege and our necessity to try to realize what was in the soul of the composer... View Track Open in Spotify
5 Stokowski - A Portrait for Radio: STOKOWSKI: If I had to perform the music of, say, Mozart or Shostakovich or Debussy: they all have their own world View Track Open in Spotify
5 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: In the United States today, I suppose his name is most closely associated with his yearly appearances at the Marlboro Festival View Track Open in Spotify
6 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: PABLO CASALS: Now I say that the Marlboro School is the best possible - the best school in the world View Track Open in Spotify
7 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: One question that was recently asked me regarding Casals, I found of special interest View Track Open in Spotify
8 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: FELIX GALAMIR: May I inject myself, my own personality into this discussion for a moment? View Track Open in Spotify
9 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: GUILLERMO FIGUEROA: Last year in the festival we had played a Bruckner symphony View Track Open in Spotify
10 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: And there's one rather interesting contradiction that is perhaps worth mentioning View Track Open in Spotify
11 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: GALAMIR: Now Casals is a very strong personality View Track Open in Spotify
12 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: It was Sir Francis Bacon who said that there is no beauty which hath not some imperfection in its being View Track Open in Spotify
13 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: GALAMIR: I also think that basically Casals is a very simple person View Track Open in Spotify
14 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: KAHN: If I were asked to sum up Don Pablo's credo, I think I would quote some words of his own rather than try to paraphrase what he said View Track Open in Spotify
15 Casals - A Portrait for Radio: HARRY MANNIS: Casals - A Portrait for Radio View Track Open in Spotify